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Yediot Ahronot Real Estate Edition / Ohad Shpak

Ohad Shpak Law Office
Ohad Shpak Law Office

Yediot Ahronot / Real Estate Issue

On the 5th of July 2019 Yedioth Ahronot Newspaper published the 48th issue of “Yedioth Real Estate” Adv. Ohad Shpak was quoted in the issue regarding the affordable housing program “Mechir Lemishtaken” (Residential Buyer’s Price).

According to Adv. Shpak – “With affordable housing programs (Mechir Lemishtaken) I recommend applying for a loan with comfortable payment intervals that take into account your financial status at the time of each installment of the loan. If the loan is linked to a construction price index, then the optimal payment distribution for those who have not yet completed construction and are renting an apartment, would be to have the first installments paid at a lower rate, and only increase the rate after the construction is completed. In this way, the heavier installments are paid only once the buyers only responsibility is the mortgage.”

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The Firm specializes in real estate and property tax, as well as commercial litigation and labor law. The Firm represents commercial entities, contractors, entrepreneurs, hedge funds, importers and exporters, associations / non-profits, cooperatives, tenants of urban renewal projects & private clients.

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