Removal of Powers from MK Chaim Katz / Ohad Shpak
On behalf of the Movement for Ethical Conduct, our office sent a letter to Israel’s Attorney General on December 20th 2017, demanding that the authority given to Chaim Katz (Minister of Labor and Social Affairs) to appoint judges in the labor courts, be revoked
For the full letter (in Hebrew) click here.
In brief, we wrote that: “The same senior public official who has been under serious investigation for more than a year and a half, with a fog of suspicion surrounding his persona, is the same official appointing judges to the labor courts. This completely undermines the value and integrity of that judicial appointment process in Israel.”
“Appointing judges requires a special ethical purity. The long-standing investigations of Minister Katz casts a grim shadow on the process of appointing judges and public representatives to the labor courts, in a way that violates basic principles of integrity and public trust in the governmental system.”